
ESG Factors Targets for FY 2023 Key results in FY 2023 Targets for FY 2024
• Aim to be Net Zero by 2050 • Disclosed 4 categories of Scope 3 emissions Disclose 4 more categories of Scope 3 emissions
• CDLHT aims to achieve an aggregate 5% - 7% reduction in energy consumption across our portfolio by 2026, with FY 2019 as the baseline. The baseline is 0.22 MWh/m2 * • Total energy consumption in FY 2023 is 5% higher than FY 2019 baseline.
• The energy intensity is 12.5% lower than FY 2019 baseline
Maintain progress
• CDLHT aims to achieve an aggregate 2% - 7% reduction in water consumption across our portfolio by 2026, with FY 2019 as the baseline. The baseline is 2.5 m3/m2 * • Total water consumption in FY 2023 is 4.5% lower than FY 2019 baseline
• The water intensity is 20.4% lower than FY 2019 baseline
Maintain progress
• We target to remove or partly remove single-use plastic bathroom amenities from operations for 50% of our hotel portfolio by FY 2023 • More than 50% of our properties have replaced single-use bathroom products with reusable pumps We target to remove or partly remove single-use plastic bathroom amenities from operations for 85% of our hotel portfolio by FY 2024
Safety Management
• We aim to have zero incidents of fatality or permanent disability and strive to minimise any work-related injuries • Zero incidents of fatality or permanent disability in FY 2023 Maintain target
Average Training Hours
• We target to achieve a minimum of 20 hours of training per employee across our portfolio in FY 2023 • We achieved an average of 32.84 hours of training hours per employee across our portfolios globally Maintain target
Corporate Social Responsibility
• The target for the portfolio is to conduct at least 15 community/social events or projects in FY 2023 • Our properties participated in over 70 corporate and social responsibility activities Maintain target

* Intensity comparison uses building GFA as the denominator to account for portfolio changes and is consistent with industry standard.
