Material ESG Factors

CDLHT's Material ESG Factors under our Core ESG Pillars were determined in consultation with our ESG consultants, internal stakeholders and approved by our boards. These material factors are considered material because they are relevant for the continuity of our business.

We have strengthened our sustainability framework by aligning our ESG pillars, material ESG factors, and our commitments to the relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs").

Core ESG Pillar Our Material ESG Factors SDGs Overarching Ambitions
Responsible Investment and Sustainable Value
  • Economic Performance
  • Responsible Investment
  • Implement responsible investment practices
  • Create economic value for stakeholders and ensuring continual business growth
Good Governance and Ethical Business
  • Board Diversity
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Anti-bribery and Code of Conduct
  • Compliance with Social and Environmental Regulations
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Ethical and Transparent Business
  • Safe and Liveable Buildings*

  • Ensure fair, responsible, compliant, and transparent business conduct
  • Educate and raise awareness on issues of modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Facilitate supply chain stewardship with vendors, partners, managers, and tenants
Climate Resilience and Environmental Stewardship
  • Climate Action and Resilience
  • Emissions Reduction
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Stewardship
  • Waste Reduction
  • Understand and manage our climate opportunities and risks
  • Manage and minimise our carbon footprint and reduce our impact on the environment
  • Advocate, enable and enhance resource efficiencies in our portfolio
Enabling Inclusiveness, Safety, Growth and Diversity of Our People
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity
  • Employment and Employee Engagement
  • Fair Labour and Human Rights**
  • Health and Safety
  • Training and Development

  • Advocate, enable and enhance fair labour practices and employee wellbeing
  • Promote safe and healthy workplaces for our people and customers
  • Engage with our people and support their growth and development
Engaging Local Communities and Advocate for Positive Impact
  • Local Community Impact*

  • Advocate strategic partnerships to enhance sustainability
  • Promote positive community engagement